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Kelly Schrader:  How to Conquer Your Sweet Cravings and Take Back Control of Your Diet!

Question 1: What is your passion or purpose you are being called to bring into action right now?

Every single day, I get excited about watching my students and clients take a positive step towards a richer, happier, more energized life. I feel very fortunate that I see people create their own positive destiny on a daily basis. I cannot help but be called to go back to the studio or step into my office tomorrow. I gain so much strength from my students and my clients. They are MY true teachers.

Question 2: What were the motivating factors or defining moments that inspired you to get involved and share your passion?

I was attending a graduate program at Columbia University and had just begun my journey into understanding nutrition and the motivating factors that effect emotional eating. While home on Winter break, sitting on my grandparents porch, I had a conversation with my grandmother that shaped my practice. I share this conversation with almost every single client that comes through my door. While discussing what she wanted for her birthday, my grandmothers response was, “This year I have given myself the best gift ever, I truly don’t need anything. This year is the first year I am not going to try and loose 10 pounds before my next birthday.” In that moment I did not have any words. I was so saddened for my grandmother, because she didn’t need to loose any weight. She was a beautiful woman until the day she died and most would agree. I was saddened because as women we spend far too much time focusing on our weight and our physical appearance. It is important for us to have healthy bodies, but it is equally important for us to have healthy minds. My goal is to work with my clients on the issues they silently focus on and feel inadequate within their struggles. Ultimately, I want those goals to be achieved and the mind space to be created for the them to focus on the other reasons they are here on the planet. Very few of us are on the planet to learn how to loose 10 pounds. It is a waste of our time and energy to focus there. Why not focus on the REAL reasons we are here?

Question 3: What is your mantra or favorite quote you refer to when you seek inspiration or hope and why?

“With the work you do, helping others improve their lives…you will die differently…you will die filled with love and surrounded by a community of people that you have helped to live their best lives.”–Joshua Rosanthal

I live a really good life, but it isn’t perfect and we all have days when the winds of the world drag us down. If I am having one of those days and I am stuck in the difficulties of my business and work life, I come back to this quote. Life is not about the days that are difficult or the days that are marvelous, it is about the sum of our lives and for me my work is a large part of that. My home and work life are flip sides of the same coin: my life experience. My life experience is pretty darn good.

Question 4: Why is the work you are doing so important for everyday women?

You are worth it. Take care of yourself so you can be your best. At your best you are more effective in nurturing those you love and surround you. You matter.

Question 5: Why is it so important for women to participate in an event like the Passion into Action Conference?

To be inspired by what is possible. There is no stronger force than a group of inspired, bold, empowered and passionate women. Why wouldn’t you be a part of something that creates a space for women to gather, to learn, to love and to cultivate strength? Thank you Passion into Action for making this possible for all of us that are speaking, attending and participating.

Question 6: What are you hoping will be the biggest take-aways for women both at the Passion into Action Conference and your workshop?

To take the next step. We are convening at this conference to share and to learn. No matter where we are on our current path, we all need to take the next step to become greater than we are. My intention is to help those that are held back by their addiction to sugar or negative nutritional habits to take the first step in reclaiming their birthright to be healthy and gain control without deprivation.

Question 7: What is your message to women around the world?

I am worth it. You are worth it. We are worth it. Take care of yourself so you can be your best. At your best you are more effective in nurturing those you love and surround you and in developing and creating change for the global community. I matter. You matter. We matter.

Join us at the 2012 Passion into Action™!

Fri – Sun, October 12th – 14th, 2012

About Mark Burgess

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