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See Jane Do Featured Member: Kathleen McIntire, Living in Love


“The difficult I can do immediately the impossible takes a little longer.  Why?  Because truly I don’t believe that anything is really impossible.” ~Kathleen McIntire

1.  What is your passion or purpose you are being called to bring into action right now?

I am really excited to be co-creating the See Jane Do What You Love 30 day Love Challenge with Elisa Parker.  It truly is taking me into the present moment and making everything that has to do with love become the focus of my entire day.  

I am also preparing a Sacred Women’s Journey to the Sacred Sites in Peru.  The intention is “Parting the Veils to your Truest most Universal Self”.  It is from March 11th to 24th so we will be there over Spring Equinox which is such a powerful portal on our planet.

I am also writing a book which is a weaving around the strong fierce feminine, our world, of my life and past present and future.  I will be spending 3 months in Peru and Bolivia and at Lake Titicaca, which is the feminine pole of our planet, to hopefully finish the book there. 

2.  What were the motivating factors or defining moments that inspired you to get involved and share your passion? 

One huge defining moment occurred in 1999 in a three year long course with the late author and Cultural Anthropologist, Angeles Arrien PHD.  She studied indigenous people from around the world and then took what they collectively had in common and authored the book “The Four Fold Way”.  We studied the directions and the meanings of each and would do a vision quest at the beginning of each summer.  When we were studying the direction of the South– which is the Healer and about the heart she talked about letting go of duty and following a life of Heart and Meaning.  In that moment I vowed to do so and that commitment changed my life.

A defining moment came on 11/11 2005 when I was doing a creative writing piece and when I read what I wrote every cell in my body knew the truth that my 22 year marriage was complete.  It was like a huge light bulb lighting up.  There was no question, no hesitancy;  only the truth of the completion.  My husband felt that my gifts of healing and Seeing and basically being a Mystic were something that needed to be locked in a closet and hidden.  The day came when I could no longer not fully BE who and what I truly was. 

Another defining moment has come in doing this 30 Day Love Challenge.  Focusing on what I love has allowed me to see that I am living the life I truly love.  Twelve years ago when I was living in London day after day I would daydream over and over and over again about Rip Van Winkle.  It was a puzzle, why was I always dreaming about him.  One day I asked him… “why are you always showing up”?  He said “because this isn’t the life you want”.  It looked beautiful on the surface.  But my heart and soul weren’t nurtured (in fact they felt very shattered).  He told me “a vacation to a spa for a week won’t heal you, only a whole new life can do so”.  Its true.  I am now living the life I truly love.  The people/friends that are in my life whether it is for work or the friends I share more intimately with … all are people that touch my heart and make it smile.  The things I do are the things I most value and love.  Yes, there can always be “more out there”.  But truly this present moment is filled with a string of present moments that make my heart sing and soar.  I feel so deeply blessed.  

3.  What does the New American Dream look like to you and how is your passion playing a part in this? 

For me it isn’t an “American Dream” but a world dream.  I remember in the 6th grade in 1965 hearing the Secretary General of the United Nations, Utant, declare he was a citizen of the world.  I knew in that moment that was what I was.  I wanted to let go of all the separations that define us.  When I was 18 I left the church I was raised in because of the same reason.  I felt that any religion that believed they were the one true right thing drew a circle around them that caused separation. 

My vision is one where the Feminine truly rises on our planet to the place of her birthright and on a higher turn of the spiral.  The masculine also rises onto a higher turn of the spiral.  That there is a coming together of the feminine and masculine working together – that the old rules that are obsolete are discarded and we come up not with new rules but co-creation of a new operating system based on love that works for all life.  

4.  In your hero’s journey what is one of your greatest achievements and what challenges did you overcome in order to get there?

I really have had two major hero’s journeys that I have lived.  The first was overcoming physical, verbal, emotional and sexual molestation since I was a tiny child. I have done much healing on my family ancestry and lineage and with my family of origin.  I overcame become so shy I could not raise my hand and speak in school to being Sales Representative of the year in Los Angeles for Levi Strauss when I was in my early 30’s.  Traveling and living around the world and living a very interesting life.  Being a really loving and good mother. 

The other Hero’s journey is my latter life, the last 9 years.  It involved divorcing my husband to be my most truest authentic Uniquely Me self.  Listening to Spirit and acting on my guidance.  Creating MoonBear Sanctuary- a retreat center dedicated to birthing the new paradigm of love on our planet.  Leading sacred ceremonies for many years with women.  Being a producer of the Mayan Renaissance film about the Mayan people in general and the Nobel Peace Laureate Rigoberta Menchu- Tum in particular.  Being a delegate with the Nobel Women Peace Laureates to go to Palestine and Israel in 2010.  That delegation has since been turned into a film “PathWays to Peace”.  Creating Guiding Signs 101 divination cards to help people more fully live from their own intuition.  I write an on going newsletter dedicated to what is real and our awakening.  My website SoaringInLight.com is dedicated to truth, awakening and bringing forward the Feminine voices that have been suppressed—the Indigenous wisdom, Mother Earth and that of women. I also have numerous Guided Meditations on YouTube.  I have lead Sacred Journeys to the rainforests of Ecuador, to Guatemala around the Mayan Calendar and to Peru.  This past March I was a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. I also lead workshops.      

3.  What is your mantra or favorite quote you refer to when you seek inspiration or hope and why? 

The difficult I can do immediately the impossible takes a little longer.  Why?  Because truly I don’t believe that anything is really impossible.

5.  How is the work you are doing so important for everyday women?  

This is my calling and my truth and it will resonate with others who have this similar vibration or path.  It is the only work I can do because it is what is being asked of me from a higher place. It is my truth, it is my love, it is my passion and it has a universal thread.  

6.  How can we support the great work you are doing?

Listen and if it calls please partake of whatever it is I have to offer that will be of benefit to you and your life.  Thank you for making what I do more visible in the world.  I am deeply grateful.  My Website is SoaringInLight.com you can sign up for my newsletter that comes out either right before a New Moon or a Full Moon and also has an astrology update from Pat Liles.  

7.  What is your message to women around the world?  

Listen in silence to guidance.  Follow what you are given by Spirit.  Be YOU, uniquely all of you; no matter how weird it may look to those around you.  For only by being YOU will the people who resonate with you find you.  It is kind of like a radio frequency.  Don’t hold back.  Don’t wait… do it NOW!  The world needs your voice and the world needs the real YOU to weave the beautiful tapestry of what is possible that is being woven now.  Let your voice and your passion be heard. 

Meet Kathleen McIntire

Kathleen McIntire is a transformational teacher, speaker, and healer who is dedicated to bringing forth the silenced voices of the feminine including women and the Indigenous, to create a path of truth, liberation and awakening on our planet. Her focus is on restoring the innate feminine power.  She is the steward of MoonBear Sanctuary, located on 28 acres in Northern California. The intention of the Sanctuary is to give birth to the New Paradigm – one of love and a world that works for all life on our planet. The retreat center provides cutting-edge workshops as well as ceremonies, rituals, study groups, and symposiums.  Kathleen’s chapter “Bringing the Darkness Back to Light” was in the women’s anthology “Journey to Joy” book and was also the topic of her talk at One Billion Rising.

Kathleen leads sacred transformational journeys with women to places such as Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru. Kathleen is the producer of the film  “Mayan Renaissance” released May 2012, was created by PeaceJam, a center with 13 Nobel Peace Laureates hosting programs bringing peace to youth.  In 2010 Kathleen was a delegate with Nobel Women’s Initiative to Israel and Palestine; a film “Pathways to Peace” has just been released which chronicles the delegation.

Kathleen has created Guiding Signs 101, a set of divination cards and Guidebook using everyday road signs to tap into your intuition and own inner guidance.  Kathleen had a successful career in business when she was younger.  She has lived abroad and traveled extensively around the world. Kathleen’s website addresses are www.SoaringInLight.com and www.GuidingSigns101.com

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